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Rizen : Introduction

Diposting oleh Bli Made on


In this guide to Risen I included a thorough description of the mission for all three sides which the player can choose. I also made exact maps with a series of marks that should help in completing the more complicated challenges. Thanks to the clear distinction to chapters, fractions and location, no player should have problems with finding exactly what he wants.
The items in the guide have been marked with green. Brown is for people and animals and orange symbolizes frequent recalls to a certain mission. With Blue I marked references do points on the map. Bold text is for notes about marks on the map other than numbers (points, road etc.) or the professions (bandit / warrior of the order / mage).
One last thing – don’t get caught and taken to the Monastery. You won’t gain anything from it and additionally lose a lot. It’s simply not worth it...
£ukasz „Terrag” Znojek
Translated to English by Jakub „cilgan” Lasota

An epic story in an authentic world hand-crafted with an eye for detail and populated by "real", plausible characters.

A Mysterious Volcanic Island The heavy tremors on the island bode ill for its inhabitants. Ancient temples have risen from the ground recently, bizarre creatures are terrorising the area. Fear and terror is spreading among the population.

The End of All Hope? A group of powerful men who call themselves "The Inquisitors" have taken it upon them-selves to put an end to these events. They send an exhibition to this remote island, but a storm takes hold of the ship and destroys it at sea.

A Hero Will Come… As if by a miracle, the player survives the shipwreck and is stranded on the volcanic island alone. He finds himself amidst a chaos of rebellion, tyranny and mystic rituals. He must now decide to which side the pendulum of fate will swing…
(info about game from official fact sheet)

Thanks to : http://guides.gamepressure.com

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